Remote work


Background checks for remote positions

Hire remote employees that you can trust


Staying competitive when hiring remotely

Now that the global workforce is getting used to working remotely or from home, it’s not a surprise that more companies are starting to look beyond their immediate location for amazing talent. In order to stay competitive in this remote-first world, it’s important to quickly find the best hires possible – no matter where they are located.

78% of CEOs agree that remote collaboration is here to stay for the long-term

Certn Enterprise remote

Benefits of hiring remote employees

  • Access to a wider talent pool
  • Stay competitive in the global job market
  • Offer a better work-life balance to employees
  • Save on office and turnover costs
Lime Intergration

say they would be more loyal to their employer if they had flexible work options

research shows that businesses lose $600 billion a year to workplace distractions

higher productivity for remote workers than their in-office counterparts

Background checks for safe and confident remote hires

One of the top challenges that companies face for remote employees is the lack of direct supervision and trust. Remote hiring can easily fail if the screening process gets missed from the recruitment process. Certn Lime’s fast, reliable and effortless background checks let you vet your candidates, verify their competencies and make confident hiring decisions.

  • Instantly verify their identity via Certn Lime’s proprietary OneID technology
  • Run national and global criminal background checks to uncover any potential criminal activities
  • Verify their employment and education history and check their references to ensure who they claim to be
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